31 Januari, 2011

CodeIgniter 2.0.0 Released

CodeIgniter 2.0.0 Released

Today EllisLab and the CodeIgniter Reactor Engineers are proud to announce the first official release of CodeIgniter 2.0.0, which is being released in two flavors:

CodeIgniter Core

Core is a slow-moving branch that will be used as the base for EllisLab commercial products such as ExpressionEngine and MojoMotor. It will continue at a similar pace that CodeIgniter has in the past and will be useful for large commercial applications that require the upmost in stability and backward/forward compatibility at a pace more typical of SLA backed Enterprise products.  Core is publicly available with tagged downloads at BitBucket.

CodeIgniter Reactor

Reactor is a community driven branch of CodeIgniter that will enable faster adoption of the best community submitted code to the framework. This means the community can create a fork of the project on BitBucket and contribute bug fixes, new features, documentation improvements, etc and have it reviewed by a code-review team called Reactor Engineers. These Engineers are primarily responsible for driving the development of the framework.
Changes and features made by EllisLab to Core will be merged into Reactor, and EllisLab will actively contribute to Reactor’s development.  Reactor is the recommended version of CodeIgniter for use in the majority of day to day work. When you see “CodeIgniter” by itself on this web site, it is referring to CodeIgniter Reactor.  The downloads, documentation, and forums all reflect this change.  Put simply, Reactor = CodeIgniter.
Some of the big changes to happen in CodeIgniter 2.0 since CodeIgniter 1.7.3 are:
  • Support for PHP 4 is gone, PHP 5.1 is now a requirement.
  • CSRF Protection built into the form helper
  • Drivers
  • Application Packages
  • Scaffolding, having been deprecated for a number of versions, has been removed.
  • Removed the deprecated Validation Class.
  • Plugins have been removed, in favor of Helpers.
  • Added routing overrides to the main index.php file, enabling the normal routing to be overridden on a per “index” file basis.
  • Added $route[‘404_override’] to allow 404 pages to be handled by controllers.
  • 50+ bugs fixed
Reactor contains all of these above and some nice changes of its own:
  • Full query-string support
  • Automatic base_url detecion if left blank
  • New Cache driver with file system, APC and memcache support
  • Command line compatibility for easy cron jobs
  • 20+ tweaks and improvements
Have a look at the change log for the full list of improvements and enhancements.
The Engineer team is also working on, or close to completing these features for a future Q1 release:

User Guide Note Contribution

Users will soon be able to contribute notes to each page in the user guide in the fashion that php.net currently allows. This will make CodeIgniter’s already-extensive documentation even more useful as time goes on. The new comment system is versioned, which will allow obsolete comments to be pruned from newer version without affecting older ones.

Authentication Driver

A common request for a long time (and with almost 800 votes on UserVoice) is an Authentication library. This is something we would like to do if the right solution and approach can be found, but it will take time and a lot of work to make a solution generic enough for everyone without being overly complex.

A More Object-like Model

A backward-compatible tweak currently in testing is a feature that allows active-record results to be returned as instances of the models they represent. This will allow for a more semantic approach to dealing with database rows.
CodeIgniter is now a much more community-oriented framework than it has been in the past. You can submit pull requests via BitBucket or Phil’s GitHub mirror. You’ll also see new releases far more frequently.
What are you waiting for?  Download it now and start cloning!
- The Reactor Team
http://codeigniter.com/news/P0/ Read More......

Cara menginstall Samba server

cara menginstall samba server di linux debian

1. Apt-get install samba smbfs smbclient

- Dengan semua user dapat mengakses samba

Nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
Ganti security =share (agar semua user dapat mengakses)

-buat sharing

[coba] (nama sharing)
Path =/home/all
Read only = no
Guest ok = yes
Locking =no

2. Chmod 777 /home/all
3. cek dengan testparm ----untuk melihat yang disharing

-Dengan hanya user tertentu saja
Ganti security =user (agar hanya user tertentu saja dapat mengakses)

buat sharing

Path =/home/all
Read only = no
Locking =no
Public = no
Valid users = reza (sesuaikan dengan user)

4.buat user khusus untuk akses samba
useradd reza
smbpasswd –a 12345

/etc/init.d/samba restart

Melihat koneksi client : smbstatus
Melihat yang disharing : testparm Read More......


Jika kita belum mengetahui gimana sih cara menyusun kabel Unshielded twisted-pair (disingkat UTP) adalah sebuah jenis kabel jaringan yang menggunakan bahan dasar tembaga, yang tidak dilengkapi dengan shield internal. UTP merupakan jenis kabel yang paling umum yang sering digunakan di dalam jaringan lokal (LAN), karena memang harganya yang murah dan simpel kinerja yang ditunjukkannya juga relatif bagus. Ada dua cara penyusunan yaitu : Straight dan Cross. Kabel Straight digunakan untuk menghubungkan NIC dengan Switch atau NIC dengan Hub, sementara kabel Cross digunakan untuk menghubungkan NIC dengan NIC atau Hub dengan Hub.

Berikut ini adalah urutan penyusunan Straight :
Ujung A
1. Putih Orange
2. Orange
3. Putih Hijau
4. Biru
5. Putih Biru
6. Hijau
7. Putih Coklat
8. Coklat

Ujung B
1. Putih Orange
2. Orange
3. Putih Hijau
4. Biru
5. Putih Biru
6. Hijau
7. Putih Coklat
8. Coklat

Berikut ini adalah urutan penyusunan Cross :
Ujung A
1. Putih Orange
2. Orange
3. Putih Hijau
4. Biru
5. Putih Biru
6. Hijau
7. Putih Coklat
8. Coklat

Ujung B
1. Putih Hijau
2. Hijau
3. Putih Orange
4. Biru
5. Putih Biru
6. Orange
7. Putih Coklat
8. Coklat
semoga tulisan ini bermanfaat buat kalian :) Read More......


Dewasa  ini banyak jejaring sosial bermunculan, salah satunya twitter kemudahan berkomunikasi membuat para pengguna dunia maya banyak memilih twitter karana hanya dengan 140karakter bisa membuat heboh seluruh dunia.
jika kalian ingin memasang icon follow me ditwitter dari blog gamapang ko kalian tinggal masuk aja di link ini http://www.twitterbuttons.com/ lalu kalian pilih ikon yang anda sukai dengan keinginan anda, lalu anda copy html yang ada dikotak link http://www.twitterbuttons.com/ lalu anda pindah kan ke blog anda, mungkin anda sudah tau gimana caranya, jadi tidak perlu saya beritahu lagi yah..
selamat mencoba yah... :) Read More......

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